2023 Gold Coast March Yearling Sale

Lot: 288

Type: Yearling
Vendor: Lyndhurst Stud Farm, Warwick, Qld
Sire: Better Than Ready (AUS)
Dam: Blest With Victory (AUS)
Colour: Brown
Sex: Colt
DOB: 28 August 2021
Bonus Schemes: QTIS 1st Payment
Buyer: Hancox Bloodstock Pty Ltd, VIC $30,000
This lot has X-Rays available.
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Significant Pedigree Updates

Closely related to ANOTHER ONE (2017.g. by Super One-Herewegoagain, by Hussonet-Vignor).
1st Canberra RC National Sprint H. L

Account of LYNDHURST STUD FARM, Warwick, Qld.

Lot 288 (100% GST)      BROWN COLT                 Stable A 1

Foaled 28th August 2021                        Branded : nr sh; 10 over 1 off sh





More Than Ready

Southern Halo


Woodman's Girl


Sally's World

Agnes World


Sally Magic







Danehill Dancer

Gold Anthem

Made of Gold


Flying Spur



Whiskey Road


BETTER THAN READY (AUS) (Bay or Brown 2009-Stud 2015). 8 wins-1 at 2, ATC Brian Crowley S., L. Sire of 358 rnrs, 230 wnrs, inc. SW Apache Chase (BRC Kingsford-Smith Cup, Gr.1), Alpine Edge, Tiger Legend, Skirt the Law, Better Get Set, Better Reflection, Jagged Edge, The Odyssey, SP Steady Ready, Coco Rox, Paredo, Iced and of Chrysaor, En Pointe, Hidden Wealth, Northern Express, Muschialli, Better Than Best, Eelloh, Betaima, etc.


1st dam

BLEST WITH VICTORY, by Starspangledbanner. Unraced. Half-sister to Dysfunction. This is her first foal.

2nd dam

VIGNOR, by Flying Spur. 6 wins 1250m to 1600m, SAJC Classic Mile, L, Schweppes H., Holden Astra H., Invicta Carpets H., Mercedes Howard H., 2d SAJC Yalumba H., Winningmargin.com.au H., 4th SAJC Tokyo City Cup, Gr.3. Half-sister to Domielle, Danrese (dam of WITH A PROMISE). Dam of 11 foals, 8 to race, 7 winners, inc:-

Dysfunction (More Than Ready). 4 wins 1350m to 1650m, BRC QLD Electrical Pty Ltd H., Woolworths H., 2d BRC Calaway Gal S., L, Xmas Parties at the Races H., St Margaret's Girls School H., Australian Workplace Test & Tag H., Brc.com.au H., Ipswich TC Queensland Times H., 3d BRC Gallipoli Medical Research Foundation P. Dam of-

Syncline. 8 wins to 1300m, to 2021-22, Darwin TC Palmerston Sprint H.

Pienkna. 4 wins 1000m to 1200m, $131,750, BRC Australian Open Polo Doomben H., Sprite P., Skyracing.tv P. Dam of-

Lady Austen. 2 wins at 1000m to 2022-23.

Toorak Tower. 3 wins at 1400m, 1600m, Whangarei RC Northland Veterinary Group H., 2d Whangarei RC Northland Cup, 4th ARC 3YO Salver, L.

Atlantis Beach. 2 wins at 1600m, 1650m in 2021-22, WATC Crown Perth H.-twice.

Herewegoagain. 6 wins-1 at 2-to 1412m, 3d Wellington Boot. Dam of-

Another One. 7 wins-1 at 2-1200m to 1600m, $856,320, to 2022-23, ATC Newhaven Park Country Championships Final, TAB Highway H.

3rd dam

SNORVIG, by Whiskey Road. 2 wins at 1600m. Half-sister to SURIA, Hermoso. Dam of 12 foals, 10 to race, all winners, inc:-

VIGNOR (Flying Spur). 6 wins. See above.

Domielle (Encosta de Lago). 5 wins 1300m to 1900m, $141,325, AJC Cuddle H., 2d Illawarra TC Keith F Nolan Classic, L, 3d BTC Doomben Roses S., Gr.3, 4th Queensland Oaks, Gr.1. Producer.

Danrese. 3 wins 1200m to 1600m, AJC Cabra-Vale H. Dam of 2 winners-

WITH A PROMISE (I Am Invincible). 8 wins-2 at 2-1000m to 1600m, $303,350, BRC Tails S., L, GCTC Silk Stocking H., L, Qld Tatt's RC Singapore Airlines P., Ipswich TC TL Cooney H., 3d BRC Ezidebit H.

4th dam

SILVER PLANET, by Planet Kingdom. Raced once. Half-sister to Trimmer Star (dam of FLAMING HEART). Dam of 9 foals, 7 to race, 6 winners, inc:-

SURIA (Danehill). 2 wins-1 at 2-at 1100m, 1600m, MVRC Great Western S., L, SAJC Walter Brown S.H., L, 3d VRC AV Kewney S., Gr.2.

Hermoso (Rassendyll). 4 wins 1600m to 2200m, $133,875, VATC Holmesglen H., 2d VRC AV Kewney S., Gr.2, STC Phar Lap S., Gr.2.



All pedigrees, supplement pedigrees, updates and indexes are supplied by Arion Pedigrees Limited for use by Magic Millions Sales Pty Limited under license. They are subject to copyright law, use outside a Magic Millions publication is illegal without written permission granted by Arion Pedigrees Limited. Photos or videos are supplied by vendors or their agents for the purpose of our online catalogue only, they are copyrighted to the producer of the content.